On April 17, Chancellor Martin shared a message with WashU students, faculty and staff about community expectations that included the following comments, which reflect the university’s ongoing position regarding demonstrations on campus.

Our commitment to free expression remains unwavering, but as our Demonstrations and Disruption Policy states, activity that disrupts university functions is not permitted and is subject to disciplinary action, including “fines, probation, suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, and/or arrest for violations of the law.” 

Being a part of the WashU community is both a privilege and a responsibility.  We all must hold ourselves to the highest personal and professional standards and treat each member of our community with respect and civility. 

We are firmly committed to free expression and allow ample opportunity for voices to be heard on our campus, but we expect every member of our community to recognize their responsibilities to the community and to respect our policies. 

No one in our community, and certainly no one outside of it, has the right to disrupt the ability of others to learn, work, and fully participate in campus life. Those who choose to do so and not follow our community’s policies will be subject to swift action – we will enforce our policies to their fullest extent. 

Andrew D. Martin